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Our Vision
We serve men, women, children, the elderly, the working poor, the unemployed, veterans, immigrants, the homeless, and those who are food insecure.
Ours is no-questions-asked policy.
All are welcome without regard for race, religion, or ethnicity.
We strive for an environment that is safe, clean, and pleasant.
We endeavor to serve with love, respect, and compassion.
Our Mission
In the spirit of caring and sharing, the Faith Kitchen’s mission is to provide nutritious meals for the hungry in our community.
Our History
The soup kitchen began in 1983 with humble beginnings as part of Trinity Lutheran Church in Dover. One day a man came to their food pantry and asked for a can opener to open a can of beans, so he could eat it right then and there. The pantry volunteer handed him a can opener, and he opened the beans right away, sat on the curb, and ate them quickly. At that moment, Trinity realized the need for a soup kitchen to feed the hungry and from a place of deep compassion, the idea of Faith Kitchen was born.
As Faith Kitchen grew over the years, it became a 501c3 charity in 2005. The charity still operates today in the same place it started. Thirty years later, it continues to serve the community, serving over 30,000 meals a year.
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Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Meet Our Director
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
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